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What is Counseling & Psychotherapy

Therapy, also called psychotherapy or counselling, is the process of meeting with a therapist to resolve problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings and relationship issues.. Beginning therapy can be a big step toward being the healthiest version of yourself and living the best life possible—no matter what challenges you may be facing. Through therapy, you can change self-destructive behaviors and habits, resolve painful feelings, improve your relationships, and more.

You don’t have to be diagnosed with a mental health problem to benefit from therapy. Many people in therapy seek help for everyday concerns: relationship problems, job stress, or self-doubt, for example.

How therapy and counseling can help

Talking about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive person makes you feel better. It can be very healing, to voice your worries or talk about something that’s weighing on your mind. And it feels good to be listened to—to know that someone else cares about you and wants to help.

It can be very helpful to talk about your problems to close friends and family members. But sometimes, we need help that the people around us aren’t able to provide. When you need extra support, an outside perspective, or some expert guidance, talking to a therapist or counselor can help. Jiva Center therapists are professionally-trained l who can help you get to the root of your problems, overcome emotional challenges, and make positive changes in your life.

Why therapy and not medication?

The thought of being able to solve your problems with taking a pill each day can sound appealing. If only it was that easy! Mental and emotional problems have multiple causes, and medication is not a one-stop cure.

Medication may help ease certain symptoms, but it comes with side effects. Furthermore, it cannot solve the “big picture” problems. Medication won’t fix your relationships, help you figure out what to do with your life, or give you insight into why you continue to do things you know are bad for you.

Ttherapy provides long-lasting benefits that go beyond symptom relief. Therapy gives you the tools for transforming your life—for relating better to others, and building the life you want for yourself.

Myths about therapy

Therapy is hard work. Complaining won’t get you very far. Improvement in therapy comes from taking a hard look at yourself and your life, and taking responsibility for your own actions. We at Jiva Center can help you, but ultimately you’re the one who must do the work along with us to achieve your goals

What to expect in therapy or counseling

Normally, sessions will last about an hour, and often be about once a week, although for more intensive therapy they maybe more often.

Your first therapy session

The first session or two of therapy is a time for mutual connection, a time for the Jiva Center therapist to learn about you and your issues. We may ask for a mental and physical health history.

It’s also a good idea to talk to us about what you hope to achieve in therapy. Together, you can set goals and benchmarks that you can use to measure your progress along the way.

How long does therapy last?

Everyone’s treatment is different. How long therapy lasts depends on many factors. You may have complicated issues, or a relatively straightforward problem that you want to address. Some therapy treatment types are short term, while others may be longer. However, discussing the length of therapy is important to bring up with your Jiva Center therapist at the beginning. This will give you an idea of starting goals to work towards and what you want to accomplish. Don’t be afraid to revisit this issue at any time as therapy progresses, as goals often are modified or changed during treatment.

What are different techniques and tools used at Jiva Center?

There are various schools or types of psychotherapy and a combination of these is applied as per the needs and personality of each client: We at Jiva Center specialize in the following techniques to help our clients achieve their goals

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ( CBT)

Our thoughts determine who we are. What we think about ourselves, about other people and about our world will affect how we feel about the same.. Behavior is also similarly connected to our thoughts and emotions. CBT focuses on challenging and altering irrational thoughts which lead to negative emotions and dysfunctional behavior. It is a comprehensive approach dealing with thoughts, emotions and behavior to bring about holistic change, growth and development.

Behavior Therapy

Behavior is the end product of all our thoughts and emotions – this is what we do. It can either work for us or against us. Often, unhealthy behavior patterns prove counterproductive and we end up creating problems for ourselves and others. Behavior therapy focuses on altering problematic or dysfunctional behavior patterns through a series of concrete techniques. It is useful for overcoming anxiety and phobias. .Assertiveness techniques help individuals become more confident..

Person-Centred Counselling

The person-centred approach maintains that three core conditions provide a climate conducive to growth and therapeutic change.
Together, these three core conditions are believed to enable the client to develop and grow in their own way — to strengthen and expand their own identity and to become the person that they ‘really’ are independently of the pressures of others to act or think in particular ways.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)

Rational emotive behaviour therapy focuses on uncovering irrational beliefs which may lead to unhealthy negative emotions and replacing them with more productive rational alternatives. Often, these irrational attitudes or philosophies take the form of extreme or dogmatic ‘musts’, ‘shoulds’, or ‘oughts'; they contrast with rational and flexible desires, wishes, preferences and wants. The presence of extreme philosophies can make all the difference between healthy negative emotions (such as sadness or regret or concern) and unhealthy negative emotions (such as depression or guilt or anxiety).

Gestalt Therapy

Many times we become disconnected with parts of ourselves – they might be things that we don’t like about ourselves, memories that are too painful to acknowledge or simply thoughts or emotions that we never paid enough attention to. Such fragmentation can lead to various problems whose source is vague or difficult to ascertain as they might be stemming from parts we are completely disconnected with.. This makes us feel incomplete and fragmented. Gestalt therapy helps people become aware, express and accept themselves in totality, thereby helping them become whole and integrated.

Play Therapy

Play therapy is the most widely used form of therapy when it comes to children. In this, the therapist communicates with children in the language they understand best – play. Rapport and trust is built while playing with children till they are very comfortable in the setting and with the therapist. Then children are helped and guided to express their concerns through play and their issues are addressed also through play itself. The child is coached with skills and helped sort through emotional or behavioral problems through various play techniques ranging from puppets to puzzles to clay, and therapy happens naturally in this process while the child is having fun!

Transactional Analysis

Transactional analysis is a powerful therapeutic tool that helps increase internal well-being. It helps individuals identify the ego-state they are functioning in and their interpersonal transactions. With the help of the therapist, they are able to eliminate dysfunctional behaviors and establish and reinforce positive relationship styles and healthy functioning. Transactional analysis utilizes a contract for specific changes desired by the client and involves the “Adult” in both the client and the clinician to sort out behaviors, emotions and thoughts that prevent the development of full human potential.

Is therapy working?

Remember that growth is difficult, and you won’t be a new person overnight.
Tips for evaluating your progress in therapy